Library Programs by Age Group
Please check our website “Calendar of Events” and WBR Library Facebook page for the most up-to-date information on our program offerings.
Programs for Adults
The Library holds many events for adults throughout the year. If there is a program you would like the library to consider hosting, please click “Get Help” in the main menu.
Mah Jong Club
The WBR Library’s Mah Jong Club is a group that meets for casual games and conversation. No experience is necessary. Members will gladly share the rules of the game and welcome new players.
Due to COVID restrictions, we have postponed Mah Jong Club. We hope to have Mah Jong Club back soon.
Book Club
The Book Club meets the third Saturday of each month at 11:00 AM.
Writing Group
Due to COVID restrictions, the Writing Group is unable to meet in person.
Programs for Teens
The Library holds many events for teens throughout the year. If there is a program you would like the library to consider hosting, please click “Get Help” in the main menu.
Teen Advisory Board
TAB is open to teens in grades 6-12. We meet several times each year to plan fun programs created by teens for teens. These teens have a voice in library programs and receive volunteer service hours. Snacks are always served!
Grab and Go Crafts
Each week we have a new grab and go craft for a variety of ages while supplies last.
Programs for Children and Caregivers
The Library holds many events for children and caregivers throughout the year. If there is a program you would like the library to consider hosting, please click “Get Help” in the main menu.
Join us for stories, rhymes, and songs for a wide range of ages and stages.
Storytime meets every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in the fall and spring. Summer storytime offerings vary.
Please check our library calendar of events for current Storytime offerings.
Lego Club
The WBR Library’s Lego Club is a fun family-friendly program that offers design challenges and fosters creativity. Using the library’s collection of Lego blocks, participants can practice skills such as problem solving, prototyping, teamwork, and innovative thinking. For an additional challenge, we occasionally offer a Lego robotics component. Be sure to check our library calendar of events for the next Lego Club.